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Cherish The Unusual

Borneo is the third largest island in the world and one of the most important ecological hotspots. The proboscis monkey, which lives only in Borneo, has been listed as endangered due to severe threats.


Meet Proboscis Monkey

The proboscis monkey has an unusually large nose, reddish-brown skin and a long tail. It is endemic to the island of Borneo in Southeast Asia and is found mainly in the mangrove forests and coastal areas of the island.


Why are they important?

Proboscis monkeys are one of the few organisms unique to Malaysia, also play an important role in biomorphology as seed dispersers in mangrove forests. Without proboscis monkeys, mangrove forests would not be able to reproduce effectively.

Habitat Destruction

Deforestation for agriculture, logging and urban development has led to the shrinking of the monkeys' natural habitat, leaving them with limited space to find food and suitable living conditions.

Illegal Poaching

Hunted by locals for their meat, fur and body parts. They may also be captured for the illegal pet trade. This directly threatens the survival of the proboscis monkey population


Water pollution from agricultural runoff and industrial activities affects the availability of clean water and the health of the ecosystems on which it depends.

Who are we?

​Our objective is to increase awareness and educate individuals, specifically the younger generation, to become committed protectors of these incredible creatures and their endangered habitats. Let's explore and learn together about these incredible creatures!


The term "pulse" in Proboscis Pulse Project indicates life and vitality. It implies that the project is at the centre of raising awareness and inspiring individuals to protect the proboscis monkeys. An illustration of proboscis monkey is used as the main subject of the logo.



Your contribution supports significant conservation efforts, which include habitat protection, rescue and rehabilitation, and education for the public.

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Every individual has the ability to motivate others and inspire true change. By Volunteering, you become a crucial part of the movement by making sure that our mission is heard and has a far-reaching, lasting impact.


Planning a Fundraiser is a great way to connect with your local community and spread the importance of awareness. With several different campaigns, it is easy to find something that personally inspires you.


Our work is never done, and we can use all the help we can get. One of the ways you can take part is by Organizing an Event. Spread the word about all that Proboscis Pulse Project is doing, and help us gain the support we need.

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